Mission and Vision


The mission of the department is to examine the historical and current biological and cultural diversity of human societies, especially represented by the people of Anatolia, in the light of scientific data; to reveal the similarities and differences with the other historical and contemporary human communities in comparative perspective and in this context, to enlighten the biological and social / cultural change. The aim of the resaerches carried out in the department along with qualifed educational programmes, is to provide scientific contributions to both Hacettepe University and other universites which requested, about the biological and cultural diversity of human, suitable techniques to interpret this diversity and how to interpret these diversities. On the other hand, another mission is to transfer the basic information about the bio-cultural characteristics of human to students. This department by having this wide perspective approach, has undertaken the development and dissemination and the representation of anthropology in Turkey. Our department is also giving the largest support to the traning of faculty members for anthropology departments in developing universities.


Our vision is to produce new, original knowledge through the studies carried out in our department; to educate qualified researcers and academicians in order the dicipline of anthropology to improve through out the country; to contribute to the development and recognition of the dicipline with the help of books which are translated or written by individually or as a group of academic staff and articles that reflect the researches; to stand for the contemprory tendencies on our field of study; to catch up with the conceptual and theoretical level that enable us to critisize these tendencies and contribute to anthropology worlwide.